FeaturedPower ShellSCCM

Get SCCM COllection Members

I got a task to create a script so other team could use it to retrieve the list of machines from specific collection in SCCM.

   This script query specific sccm collection and list all its members

   This powershell script is designed to get list of all devices from a specific collection in SCCM, and it saves the output to a text file in c:\device.txt
         by default it saves the output to "c:\device.txt". you can change the path to your specific location, just change the $path parameter value
        The default collection is "workstations" 
        To use specific Collection, first you need to find the Collection ID from sccm console like "SF1003", then change the value of paramater in script  "[string]$SCCMCollectionID = 'SF1003' "

	You can run the script first so it could be saved in current session memory, then call the function using dot source as:
    . .\Get_Sccm_Collection_members_PS.ps1  

   You can call the script directly

   To override the default paramters value with different info, use this 
   .\Get_Sccm_Collection_members_PS.ps1  -siteCode 'sitecode' -siteserver 'servername' -collectionID 'collection id' -path 'c:\device.txt" 

   To override the default paramters value with different info, use this 
    . .\Get_Sccm_Collection_members_PS.ps1  
    Get-CollectionMembership-siteCode 'sitecode' -siteserver 'servername' -collectionID 'collection id' -path 'c:\device.txt" 


    File Name  : Get_Sccm_Collection_members_PS.ps1 
    Author     : hashmat mohammadi
    Requires   : PowerShell V5

function Get-SccmCollectionMembership
        [string] $SiteCode = 'SF1',

       [string] $SiteServer= 'sccm.hashmat.local',

        [string]$SCCMCollectionID = 'SF1003',

       [string]$path = 'c:\device.txt'


        $CollectionMembers = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode)" -Query "SELECT * FROM SMS_FullCollectionMembership WHERE CollectionID='$($SCCMCollectionID)' order by name" -ComputerName $SiteServer
        $CollectionMembers.name | Out-File $path | notepad $path

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